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Do you ever feel like you're pushing a brick wall through knee deep mud? I remember feeling just like you—overwhelmed and unsure of my next step. Most days, you can find me in a t-shirt and jeans working at my home office, which also happens to be my bedroom. With a warm cup of Hot Cinnamon Spice tea in hand, and my puppy, Mochi, napping under my feet or playfully tormenting our two cats, Faith and V, I navigate the ups and downs of life.

I am a mom to two daughters, Haley & Shayna, who both keep me doubled over with laughter daily with their whit and sarcasm. I understand the joys and challenges of every stage of motherhood except the empty nest. I’m also a Christian life coach, aspiring speaker, writer, and an unapologetically imperfect human who loves Jesus. One of my gifts is finding humor and humanity in the hard stuff, helping others feel less alone.

Hi there, I'm Amy 


In 2020, I was laid off from my fifteen year career in digital marketing. After binging The Tiger King,  stocking up on toilet paper, and turning down a game of Monopoly over Zoom, I knew it was time to ask God, "What now!" I took some time to fast and pray  and that's when God led me to get my certification in life coaching. I chose to go back to school where they teach life and health coaching where I learned coaching skills, dietary theory on hundreds of diets as well as integrative, functional and nutritional health coaching.

In four years I learned a lot about health, coaching, marketing and running a business but I really struggled with actually getting clients. I worked with a few women but I KNEW there were so many more who needed what I had and that God had called me to this for a reason. But my daily IG posts, late nights of worry, and constant striving just weren't paying off.  I was like Rachel Green in the first season of Friends - naive and probably feeling a bit entitled because I thought if God called me to it, it will all work out.

But it didn't.

In January of 2024, I got mad. From a place of frustration (not faith) I "prayed" and asked God, "what the heck? - why isn't this working? You called me to this! What am I doing wrong?" His response? He asked me to put my business on the alter and surrender it all to Him. Talk about a punch in the gut.  Was He asking me to give up everything I had worked so hard for the past four years?!! WHY would He lead me here just to give it all up?

But God.

One thing I know about God is that He is GOOD. All the time. So after a bit of acting like a toddler who has just been told no at the checkout line, I finally handed it over to Him. Willing to give it all up.

Soon, my thoughts went from, "What am I doing wrong?" to "What is God asking me to do next?" And my prayers went from anger and frustration to "God, I trust you. Tell me what to do next and I will do it."

And in His perfect way, He showed me how I had put myself in a box He never intended for me to be in. He helped me to change my coaching to more life coaching for Christian women, instead of Life & Health Coaching. 

I will still use the skills and knowledge I gained - I mean - God wastes nothing, right? Annnnnd, as I reflect back to my time of fasting and praying, God was pretty clear with me to be a life coach. I was the one who chose life and health coaching because it was what was comfortable and familiar to me. Something I think we all tend to do.

Since surrendering and actually listening to God's directions, I have had more clarity, more confidence and I am no longer feeling like I am spinning my wheels in the mud. I have peace beyond understanding. I wake up excited every morning because I'm doing exactly what I was meant to do.

And I am here to help you do the same.


How I became a life coach

My mission is to help you break free from the overwhelm and uncertainty that often come with life’s challenges. 

As a Christian woman, a mom, and a small business owner, you’re juggling countless responsibilities. You love your life but feel lost and stuck, constantly doubting yourself and fearing you’ll never live up to your potential.

I’ve walked this path too. After being laid off from a fifteen-year career in digital marketing, I felt uncertain and overwhelmed. Seeking guidance from God, I found my true calling in life coaching. Since then, I've dedicated myself to helping women like you find clarity and confidence.

The things I am most passionate about in life are my relationship with Jesus, raising my ceiling as high as it can go so that my daughters’ floor is so high that they’ll be able to soar in life, and helping others find the same freedoms I have found in life, health, and faith.

I love serving the world by sharing my story with others so that they know that they aren’t alone in their struggles, making people laugh, loving people unconditionally,meeting them right where they are, and showing them that God loves them and has plans for their future. 

I'm called as a coach & prophet to help Christian women get breakthrough so that they can live their best lives in alignment with God's plans & purposes

Ciao Bella!
Hello, I'm Amy Wadlington, and I'm a work in progress, just like you. For many years, I grappled with negative self-talk and self-worth, self-doubt, and feeling stuck. I faced the same fears and uncertainties that so many women struggle with today.

  • "I don't even know who I am anymore"
  • "I'm not worthy."
  • : "I feel like I'm just getting by and barely keeping my head above water with all my responsibilities."
  • "Dreams? Ha! What dreams?"
  •  “Oh, I’ll just miss today and start back up tomorrow”

Are you with me?!

My transformation began when I fully surrendered to God, stopped striving for the next best thing, and embraced my true identity in Christ.

My faith journey hasn't been perfect. In fact, some of my most challenging years were marked by messy faith. I wasn't always aligned with God. My Bible gathered dust, and my prayers were more like desperate pleas for help than beautifully crafted intercessions. I was trapped by fear, uncertainty, and self-doubt. But through it all, God was faithful. He provided, loved me right where I was, and answered the prayers I held deep in my heart, even when I couldn't clearly express them.

 Through coaching, mentorship, and the gentle work of the Holy Spirit, I learned that all I needed was a willing heart and faith the size of a mustard seed. Not perfection. Not achieving or striving. Just belief. This revelation transformed my life, and it can transform yours too.

True transformation is about getting unstuck, breaking free from old patterns, and experiencing breakthroughs in every area of life. It's about mindset, thought life, and understanding the spiritual battles we face. It's about forgiveness, taking every thought captive and aligning our minds with God's truth.

As a Christian Life coach, my focus is on helping you achieve breakthrough and clarity. Together, we will work on renewing your mind, breaking negative thought patterns, and growing spiritually. We'll explore the power of surrender and how to navigate spiritual warfare. By partnering with God and relying on the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you can experience true and lasting transformation.
Today, at forty-nine years old, I've finally reached a place of self-acceptance, self-love, and most importantly, I've embraced what God says about me: I am fearfully and wonderfully made. And so are you.

You are not your enemy. You were created as a highly intelligent creation you can trust to give you the feedback it needs to heal.

I believe that you are already whole, amazing just as you are, and totally capable of incredible things.

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Be Transformed By The Renewing of Your Mind

How I Like To Relax

Movies & Hot Baths

Favorite Drink

Hot Tea

Favorite Season


Dream Vacation

Bora Bora

Childhood Nickname


Favorite TV Shows

Friends & Downton Abby

6 Random Facts


These are a few of my favorite things

My Essentials

I'm a mountain girl, through and through. I was born and raised in the Rocky Mtn states of NM & CO. God speaks to me though mountains a lot.

The Mountains

It doesn't matter what time of year it is. I drink my Harney & Sons Hot Cinnamon Spice tea like most people drink coffee

Hot Tea

I don't drink coffee but I love a good chai or London Fog.

Tea Lattes

I have an addiction to buying books. I love to cuddle up with my fur babies and read all day forgetting all of my responsibilities. 


Let's be honest. She gets more treats than she should get, the back of the couch is her throne, and she should own a thousand diamond tiaras.

My Mochi

I love to study my Bible and journal my prayers. It helps me to write what I am feeling but I also love to go back to see what prayers God has answered.

Prayer Journaling


Seaside, Florida


Redeeming Love


Rise Up Beloved

Spotify Playlist

Favorite Worship Songs

My Favorites

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the Gram

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