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I'm Amy Wadlington! I help high-achieving Christian women break free from overwhelm, quiet the mental noise, and finally find peace. Through breakthrough coaching, you’ll gain clarity, reclaim your energy, and step boldly into the life God has called you to—without the self-doubt, stress, or second-guessing.
Have you ever found yourself asking, “What does God want me to do?” I know I have. There are moments in life when we long for clear, step-by-step directions—like a GPS that simply says, “Take your next left, and in one mile, turn right.” But when it comes to our walk with God, things rarely come with neat instructions. I even prayed that exact question today as I was preparing to write about this topic. I want to make this as easy for you as possible so you can get out of your head and take the right action – so with God’s help, I came up with 3 steps to get some clarity in your calling.
(If you’re more of an audio learner, tune in to this podcast episode about 3 ways to clarity in your calling.)
Let’s rewind a bit. I’m thinking back to when my girls were in middle school. The principal had this memorable routine every parents’ night where he’d talk about “the gift of struggle.” He’d tell us, “Let your kids figure things out on their own—let them walk to school even if the weather isn’t perfect, let them forget their homework sometimes, and let them experience a late lunch or a missed cleat.” The school office practically became a concierge service because parents were ordering Uber Eats and DoorDash for anything from forgotten homework to a missing sports uniform. Eventually, he put a stop to it by explaining that class wouldn’t be interrupted by deliveries and any items left at the front desk had to be picked up later.
Why did he do this? It wasn’t out of meanness. He loved those kids, and they loved him back—especially his daily dad jokes over the intercom and those high-fives in the hallways.
That “gift of struggle” isn’t just about inconvenience—it’s about building character, emotional capacity, grit, and resilience. When kids learn to face challenges on their own, they’re better prepared for life’s bigger storms. And the same goes for our spiritual journey. God sometimes lets us struggle because He knows it will shape us and build us into who we’re meant to be. Just think about David—he wasn’t handed victory without a fight. He had to learn to handle lions and bears before he could face Goliath.
Clarity starts with spending intentional time in God’s presence. Prayer isn’t just something we do to get God to move in our favor; it’s our gateway to hearing God’s voice. When we quiet our minds, open our hearts, and get away from the daily noise—whether through prayer, praise and worship, meditation, or journaling—we create space for the guidance of the Holy Spirit. He moves when we give Him the space to move.
I remember a season when I felt completely lost. In those quiet moments of prayer, even when the answers were unexpected, I began to sense God gently steering me. Surrendering our own plans is essential because His strength is far greater than ours. So here’s a little challenge for you: set aside some dedicated time this week for a “God-centered clarity session.” Turn off the distractions, grab your journal, and see what God might reveal.
Knowing who you are in Christ is the foundation for understanding what God is calling you to do. You are a beloved daughter of the King—fearfully and wonderfully made. Beyond that, uncovering your unique design means recognizing the intersection of your spiritual gifts, talents, strengths, and passions, and even understanding your weaknesses.
I love the saying by Os Guinness: “Do what you are.” In other words, embrace your unique superpower! Ask yourself: What are my God-given talents? When do I feel most alive and purposeful? If you need a little help figuring this out, start by taking the Spiritual Gifts Test. You might also explore personality tests like Enneagram, DISC, or even Meyers-Briggs. Remember, these tests don’t define you. They’re not Biblically based—they’re simply tools to help you get to know yourself better. Ultimately, your identity in Christ is what truly defines you.
Clarity isn’t static. Think of it like hiking up a mountain—the path may twist and turn, but your destination remains clear. Knowing your calling means taking bold, faith-driven action. When God split the Red Sea, Moses had to step into the water; when the priests entered the Jordan, they had to put their feet in. It’s the same with your calling. You need to take that step of faith, even if the full picture isn’t crystal clear yet.
Moving from insight to impact is key. Whether it’s reaching out to a mentor, joining an accountability group, or launching that project you’ve been dreaming about, take action. Even small steps can reveal a clearer path forward. And if you need a bit more support, consider booking a free call with me so we can chat about the next step in your journey.
Let’s quickly recap the 3 ways to clarity in your calling:
Remember, clarity is a journey. Peace comes when you let go of the need to have every step figured out and trust in God’s perfect process. If you found this post helpful, I invite you to join our community at amywadlington.com/Community. Also, check out ways to renew your mind with my free download to help you stop overthinking, worrying, and negative thinking.
Ready to take the next step and work with me? Learn more about my coaching packages and book a free call with me here.
Thanks for joining me on this journey. I can’t wait to see where God leads you next!
Finding Your Identity In Christ
How We as Women Can Find Our Identity in Christ
3 Steps to Get Unstuck God’s Way
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As a faith-based life coach, my mission is to help Christian women stop being controlled by their thoughts and emotions, silence the attacks of the enemy Read my full story
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